Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Blair Thomas

Book of the City of Ladies was an interesting read. In this story, the author, Christine de Pizan tells how women are being depicted from male philosphers. She's disturbed by what is being said about women as whole and she goes into thoughts of negativity. She is visited by three ladies, who are sisters, prophisize about her building a city for ladies. At first, Christine doesn't believe what she's hearing, but as the story goes on, her perspective starts to change. One of the sisters, Lady Reason, tells her the history of some famous women. She tells Christine about the Amazons and how they held entire civilization on their own, due to the fact that the entire race of men were killed. The only thing that they decided upon for the sake of their race was to mate with men of neighboring countries. Lady Reason also answers questions Christine has presented her with such as why men slander women. The more I read this story, the more I realized that not all women fall or "fit" into certain categories and/or stereotypes. In today's society, women are doing it for themselves. They are bread winners. They are the head of their household. They are politicians, world leaders, governors, mayor of a city. Hell! Women are everywhere and there is no escaping our species. Reading this literary work made me realize that we sometimes don't know or value our worth. We have strengths and weaknesses, but I think majority of the time we're just as strong as men.

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